Nature Biotechnology Study Reveals that Tempus’ xT Platform Increases Cancer Patients’ Personalized Therapeutic Opportunities
Extensive molecular profiling combined with clinical data identifies targeted therapies and clinical trials for a large proportion of cancer patients, and paired tumor/normal plus transcriptome sequencing outperforms tumor-only DNA panel testing.
Through our scientific publications and research projects, we are accelerating and transforming personalized patient care.
Actionable variants would have been missed if only solid tumor or liquid biopsy tests were performed. Thus, we believe that liquid biopsies provide value to patients when used in combination with standard tissue genotyping.
Validation of a Liquid Biopsy Assay with Molecular and Clinical Profiling of Circulating Tumor DNA
Showcasing a robust pan-cancer tumor organoid (TO) platform, revealing genomic/transcriptome fidelity of TO culture from >1,000 patients. We demonstrate a neural-network-based high-throughput approach for label-free,light-microscopy-based drug assays capable of predicting patient-specific heterogeneity in drug responses with applicability across solid cancers.
A Pan-cancer Organoid Platform for Precision Medicine and paired tumor/normal plus transcriptome sequencing